
Showing posts from July, 2020

Welcome bus lovers to Alvin - li

Welcome to Alvin - li bus lovers to day you are going to learn about subway’s and buses and streetcars and about  other kinds of train’s.

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New York vandalism

In case you didn’t know, in the 1980’s New York had graffiti on subway cars and did you know that clean and watch this video .

New York covid-19 map

You can find it and on the top you can find map and it’s the highest and you can see where is open.

Lost TTC station’s

Lower queen Lower bay Lower osgoode  Alllen station 

New York in 1970’s

 in the 1970’s maintenance had suffered and there was high crime and there was a lot of graffiti and it was dirty 

New York in the 1990’s

In the 1990’s it was best of the subway, there was no graffiti or high crime and they changed the speed limit because subway’s went too fast.

Toronto in the 1980’s

Toronto finished building Kennedy station and Kipling station and finished line 3.

New York in 1980

In the 70’s and 80’s New York subway was covered with graffiti and in  it stopped and New York was fixing the subway.